In Kyoto during the turbulent Bakumatsu period, sparked by the arrival of the Black Ships, a kind-hearted boy named "Nio" meets Toshizō Hijikata and Sōji Okita of the "Miburo", - Miburoushigumi -, the future members of the Shinsengumi. In an era where money, land, and even lives are unjustly taken, the members of "Mibu" strive to protect the streets of Kyoto with their own sense of justice.
"I want to become stronger too. I want to change this world."
The encounter with "Mibu" sets a chain of events into motion that dramatically alters the fate of an ordinary 13-year-old. The life-risking, youthful Shinsengumi story Ao no Mibu.
This highly anticipated anime adaptation is based on the latest work by Tsuyoshi Yasuda, known for the bestselling soccer manga DAYS, which is currently being serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine.