Fumiya Tomozaki, acclaimed as Japan's top player in the online game Attack Families, or "Tackfam," finds himself lacking social skills and struggles with amiability in his everyday high school existence. Despite his gaming prowess, he faces isolation and friendlessness, attributing it to the intricate rules of life. Consequently, he deems himself a bottom-tier character in this real-life "game."
A transformative encounter with another elite Tackfam player unveils a startling revelation - this top-tier player is none other than Aoi Hinami, a popular, intelligent, and sociable classmate who stands in stark contrast to Fumiya. Recognizing his ineptitude in everything outside of Tackfam, Aoi decides to assist him in mastering what she considers the ultimate game: life.
As Fumiya navigates the challenges of social interactions and relationships, he embarks on a journey to advance through the tiers of the intricate game of life.