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Japanese Title: ルックバック
Original Release Date:
  • June 28th, 2024
Released: 2024

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Ayumu Fujino, a talented fourth-grader known for her exceptional manga illustrations in the school newspaper, faces a sudden challenge when asked to share her spot with the truant student, Kyomoto. Despite her initial success, Fujino's confidence wavers as Kyomoto's work garners acclaim for its intricate detail, sparking jealousy within her.

Determined not to be overshadowed by someone with irregular attendance, Fujino resolves to master the art of manga creation. However, despite her efforts, her aspiration to surpass Kyomoto seems increasingly elusive. By the time she reaches sixth grade, Fujino reluctantly abandons her manga pursuits altogether.

On graduation day, Fujino is unexpectedly tasked with delivering Kyomoto's certificate, leading to a chance encounter that unravels unforeseen consequences for both girls, altering the course of their lives in ways they never imagined.

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