Chiisaku Namiutsu Kobin No Ao
Ryoute De Kakaeta Otosanai You Ni
Hiru hikari Ni Kazashite Nozoku Hitomi Wa
Tooku Sumiwataru Sekai Wa Hiroku
Nanimo Nanimo Shiranai Watashi Someru
[thanks for visiting]
Atataka Na Tenohira Ni Tsutsumare
Mebuku Hana Kigi Wa Yure
Ikutsumo No Keshiki Wo Kimi To Mite
Kioku Wa Saku
Blue waves within a small bottle
I held it with both hands, careful not to drop it
I placed it against the sun and looked through to the inside
The world I saw was so far, clear and vast
It started to color me, who still doesn't know anything
[thanks for visiting]
With my warm hands
Flowers are budding, trees are swaying
Looking at all the scenery with you
And memories start to bloom
両手で抱えた 落とさないように
昼光にかざして 覗く瞳は
遠く澄み渡る世界は 広く
何も何も知らない私 染める
芽吹く花 木々は揺れ
[show all]
Chiisaku Namiutsu Kobin No Ao
Ryoute De Kakaeta Otosanai You Ni
Hiru hikari Ni Kazashite Nozoku Hitomi Wa
Tooku Sumiwataru Sekai Wa Hiroku
Nanimo Nanimo Shiranai Watashi Someru
Atataka Na Tenohira Ni Tsutsumare
Mebuku Hana Kigi Wa Yure
Ikutsumo No Keshiki Wo Kimi To Mite
Kioku Wa Saku
[show all]
Blue waves within a small bottle
I held it with both hands, careful not to drop it
I placed it against the sun and looked through to the inside
The world I saw was so far, clear and vast
It started to color me, who still doesn't know anything
With my warm hands
Flowers are budding, trees are swaying
Looking at all the scenery with you
And memories start to bloom
[show all]
両手で抱えた 落とさないように
昼光にかざして 覗く瞳は
遠く澄み渡る世界は 広く
何も何も知らない私 染める
芽吹く花 木々は揺れ