Residing in the tranquil outskirts of a serene town, Lawrence serves as a local pastor, offering guidance and support to the townsfolk. At the heart of the church lies the revered "Saint," a symbol of virtue who listens attentively to the struggles of each parishioner and provides genuine advice. Assigned to fulfill this role is Cecilia, a gentle young girl, but the demanding nature of the job and her inclination for sleepiness often lead her to idly lounge around the church. This leaves Lawrence to shoulder the church's responsibilities alone, while also tending to Cecilia's needs.
Gradually, a bond of trust forms between them. Lawrence embraces Cecilia's relaxed demeanor, making her happy, while she becomes accustomed to his overly protective and doting nature. However, as the saint's affectionate feelings for the oblivious and deeply caring pastor evolve beyond friendship, a question lingers: how will he respond to these growing emotions?