Ryuuto Kashima, a somber high school student, finds himself entangled in an unusual situation. As part of a punishment game, he is coerced into confessing to Runa Shirakawa, a girl revered by the entire school community due to her high status.
Through a twist of fate, they enter into a relationship prompted by the unexpected reasoning of "Well, I have free time now..." However, Ryuuto's world takes a turn when he inadvertently overhears Runa being confessed to by a handsome member of the soccer club. To his surprise, Runa casually invites Ryuuto, her newly-minted boyfriend, into her personal space.
With diverse circles of friends and contrasting approaches to fun, they differ in almost every aspect. Nonetheless, they embark on a journey of connection, each day bringing new revelations about their disparities that ultimately lead to acceptance and mutual understanding.